Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Twilight before Christmas

Check this video out. You might have already seen it, but this is beyond funny!
This is the website:

(I'm still trying to figure out how to post a video from the web or a link that actually works, Sorry!)


Ashley Bogard said...

Okay that is hilarious, her voice sounds exactly the same. Loved it.

Jess and Joe said...

Still laughing!! That is so funny! I loved the running part. LOL

Lindsay Murdock said...

I found a certain something online...I want to forward it to you. I need your email address!!

BiLlY, sAm, AnD bOyS!!! said...

sorry but i thought that was dumb... i did laugh though:)

BiLlY, sAm, AnD bOyS!!! said...

i emailed you too- but just in case: